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Proper Care of Your Wooden Items

Wood is organic and continues to “live” even after it has been made into a toy or household product, no matter the coating applied to it. It will expand and contract with moisture and temperature. Improper exposure to the elements can irreparably damage wood. Water that is absorbed deep into its fibers and then dries too rapidly is likely to create cracks and warps.

If you desire to clean a wooden item:

DO wipe it with warm soapy water and allow to air dry.
DO NOT soak it in water or put in the dishwater.
DO NOT use or place wooden objects in the microwave.

Items, like our Schoolhouse Natural toys or our cutting boards, that either originally had no finish, or perhaps an oil finish may have their look refreshed by a new coat of oil. Mineral oil, salad bowl finish, or other natural oil would be good products. If recoating any wood product, for child or table, be sure the product you choose is safe for the purpose. Do not use a vegetable oil that may turn rancid.

Paints, stains, and inks may fade over long lengths of time, depending on the material and exposure to ultra-violet light. That is a natural occurrence, and does not reflect a defect. Avoid direct sunlight to minimize this.

Through typical play, even hardwood toys will get banged and scratched. Consider this a cherished record of your child’s play. It is better to put some wear and tear on a solid wooden toy than to spend time being passively entertained by electronic gadgets. Please be sure to occasionally inspect your child’s toys for broken parts or other problems. It is handy to have a piece of sandpaper available to smooth out roughed up dents and dings, especially, on uncolored wood. Keep in mind that under our guarantee, we will repair or replace any item returned to us that no longer functions properly.

We test our finishes and inks for resistance to damage by water and other common liquids such as juices. While we avoid coatings that may lead to a problem under typical use, we cannot guarantee resistance to every household chemical that a toy or other wooden product may come it contact with. Often we find that the more "natural" a finish is, the more susceptible it can be to spotting by common liquids. It is a trade-off, with the more bullet-proof finishes on the market tending to have more questionable chemicals in them.

Thank you for purchasing and caring for one of our products.