Wholesale Dealer Support
Straight up, no hassle dealing.
- Easy reordering phone, fax, or e-mail with low minimums and rapid turnaround.
- Expanding product line, we listen to your requests.
- Convenient payment terms and discounts.
- Lifetime guarantee of repair or replacement of any product returned to us.
- Images and artwork. Art and photos you can use in your advertising, or setting up your own web pages.
- Wholesale Dealer Locator Service. We offer an online dealer search based on zip code. This allows customers to our site to find store locations near them that carry our products. This list is updated regularly and has two requirements to be listed: 1) Dealer has filled out a customer data update sheet, and 2) has placed an order within the last six months.
For selected products:
- Merchandising display units.
- Customized products to suit your store or location.
For wholesale dealers of our NameTrains Wooden Railway System:
- Effective, compact merchandising displays.
- 10+ page Retailer’s Guide loaded with tips, hints, and answers to FAQs.
- Bulk packs on many items for even greater price discounts.
Email us for info on any of these offerings